IPywidgets is a Python library for creating UI objects that live in the Python side and on the browser side. They provide bi-directional communication, meaning you can change a slider in the browser, or from the Python side. IPywidgets
takes care of communication and synchronization.
With ipywidgets you get access to the browser without writing a single line of JavaScript or CSS.
Solara and ipywidgets
Solara can use almost all existing ipywidgets, from the core library that provides sliders, to ipyvuetify which gives us rich UI elements, to ipyvolume that gives us interactive 3d visualizations.
Where do ipywidgets work?
There are various places where ipywidgets work, and Solara server is one of these. There is a list of frontends that support meaning that you ipywidgets based applications run on many places (From Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab, Google Colab to even VS Code).
Which ipywidget libraries exist?
There is a list of ipywidget libraries, but that are probably many more.
Do all ipywidget libraries work with Solara server?
All these libraries should work with Solara server, but we have not tested all of them. If you use a regular ipywidget based app, you should not run into issues. If you do, consider opening a GitHub issue
If you write a Reacton-based Solara application, check out the reacton page.