A tabbed container showing one tab at a time.
def Tabs(
value: Union[None, int, "solara.Reactive[int]"] = None,
on_value: Optional[Callable[[int], None]] = None,
color: Optional[str] = None,
background_color: Optional[str] = None,
slider_color: Optional[str] = None,
dark: bool = False,
grow: bool = False,
align: str = "left",
children: List[solara.Element] = [],
(Note: This component is experimental and its API may change in the future.)
Note that if Tabs are used as a child of the AppBar component, the tabs will be placed under the app bar. See our authorization app for an example.
If the children Tab elements are passed a path_or_route
argument, the active tab
will be based on the path of the current page.
Only tabs headers
import solara
import solara.lab
def Page():
with solara.lab.Tabs():
solara.lab.Tab("Tab 1")
solara.lab.Tab("Tab 2")
Tab 1
Tab 2
Live output
Tabs with content
This is usually only used when the tabs are placed in the AppBar component.
import solara
import solara.lab
def Page():
with solara.lab.Tabs():
with solara.lab.Tab("Tab 1"):
with solara.lab.Tab("Tab 2"):
Tab 1
Tab 2
Live output
Tabs events
The value
on the Tabs component is a reactive value that can be used to
listen to changes in the selected tab and make the UI respond to it.
import solara
import solara.lab
tab_index = solara.reactive(0)
def Page():
def next_tab():
tab_index.value = (tab_index.value + 1) % 2
solara.Title(f"Tab {tab_index.value + 1}")
solara.Button('Next Tab', on_click=next_tab)
with solara.lab.Tabs(value=tab_index):
with solara.lab.Tab("Tab 1"):
with solara.lab.Tab("Tab 2"):
with solara.lab.Tab("Disabled", disabled=True):
Tab 1
Tab 1
Tab 2
Live output
Advanced tabs
Tabs can be nested, styled and placed vertically.
import solara
import solara.lab
def Page():
with solara.lab.Tabs(background_color="primary", dark=True):
with solara.lab.Tab("Home", icon_name="mdi-home"):
with solara.lab.Tab("Advanced", icon_name="mdi-apps"):
with solara.lab.Tabs(grow=True, background_color="primary", dark=True, slider_color="green"):
with solara.lab.Tab("Settings", icon_name="mdi-cogs"):
with solara.lab.Tabs(vertical=True, slider_color="green"):
with solara.lab.Tab("User", icon_name="mdi-account"):
solara.Markdown("User settings")
with solara.lab.Tab("System", icon_name="mdi-access-point"):
solara.Markdown("System settings")
with solara.lab.Tab("Analytics", icon_name="mdi-chart-line"):
with solara.lab.Tabs(vertical=True):
with solara.lab.Tab("User", icon_name="mdi-account"):
solara.Markdown("User analytics")
with solara.lab.Tab("System", icon_name="mdi-access-point"):
solara.Markdown("System analytics")
Live output
Many tabs
If many tabs are shown, paginations arrows are shown.
import solara
import solara.lab
tab_count = 30
def Page():
with solara.lab.Tabs():
for i in range(tab_count):
with solara.lab.Tab(f"Tab {i+1}"):
solara.Markdown(f"Content for tab {i+1}")
Tab 1
Tab 2
Tab 3
Tab 4
Tab 5
Tab 6
Tab 7
Tab 8
Tab 9
Tab 10
Tab 11
Tab 12
Tab 13
Tab 14
Tab 15
Tab 16
Tab 17
Tab 18
Tab 19
Tab 20
Tab 21
Tab 22
Tab 23
Tab 24
Tab 25
Tab 26
Tab 27
Tab 28
Tab 29
Tab 30
Content for tab 1
Live output
: The index of the selected tab. IfNone
, the first tab is selected or it is based in the route/path.on_value
: A callback that is called when the selected tab changes.color
: The color of text in the tab headers (only for dark=False).background_color
: The background color of the tab headers.slider_color
: The color of the slider.dark
: Apply a dark theme.grow
: Whether the tabs should grow to fill the available space.vertical
: Whether the tabs are vertical.align
: The alignment of the tabs, possible values are 'left', 'start', 'center', 'right' or 'end'.lazy
: Whether the child components of the inactive tabs are rendered or not. If lazy=True, components of inactive tabs are not rendered.classes
: Additional CSS classes to
: CSS style to apply.
Tab 1
Tab 2