Tutorial: Dash users
Dash is quite different from Solara. In Dash, state lives in your browser, and via callbacks your app will change from 1 state to another. In Solara, the state lives on the server, and also state transitions happen at the server.
Dash example
To see how Dash and Solara are different, let us start with a typical Dash example:
from dash import Dash, Input, Output, callback, dcc, html
app = Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div(
dcc.Dropdown(id="dropdown", options=["red", "green", "blue", "orange"]),
dcc.Markdown(id="markdown", children=["## Hello World"]),
Output("markdown", "style"),
Input("dropdown", "value"),
def update_markdown_style(color):
return {"color": color}
if __name__ == "__main__":
This example is inspired on a dash example.
This small app creates a dropdown (what we call Select in Solara), and some markdown text. The dropdown will trigger the callback at the server, which will update the markdown's style, which will cause the color of the text to change.
Translated to Solara
In Solara, we need to explicitly create application state using solara.reactive
. We wire this up with the [Select][/documentation/components/input/select] via value=color
and pass the color value down to the Markdown component.
import solara
color = solara.reactive("red")
def Page():
solara.Select(label="Color", values=["red", "green", "blue", "orange"], value=color)
solara.Markdown("## Hello World", style={"color": color.value})
Hello World
Since this component combines two components, we have to put them together in a container component, here implicitly a Column.
Making a reusable component
In dash
Following the All in one component documentation, we get:
import uuid
from dash import MATCH, Dash, Input, Output, State, callback, dcc, html
class MarkdownWithColorAIO(html.Div):
class ids:
dropdown = lambda aio_id: {"component": "MarkdownWithColorAIO", "subcomponent": "dropdown", "aio_id": aio_id}
markdown = lambda aio_id: {"component": "MarkdownWithColorAIO", "subcomponent": "markdown", "aio_id": aio_id}
ids = ids
def __init__(self, text, colors=None, markdown_props=None, dropdown_props=None, aio_id=None):
colors = colors if colors else ["red", "green", "blue", "orange"]
if aio_id is None:
aio_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
dropdown_props = dropdown_props.copy() if dropdown_props else {}
if "options" not in dropdown_props:
dropdown_props["options"] = [{"label": i, "value": i} for i in colors]
dropdown_props["value"] = dropdown_props["options"][0]["value"]
markdown_props = markdown_props.copy() if markdown_props else {}
if "style" not in markdown_props:
markdown_props["style"] = {"color": dropdown_props["value"]}
if "children" not in markdown_props:
markdown_props["children"] = text
super().__init__([dcc.Dropdown(id=self.ids.dropdown(aio_id), **dropdown_props), dcc.Markdown(id=self.ids.markdown(aio_id), **markdown_props)])
Output(ids.markdown(MATCH), "style"),
Input(ids.dropdown(MATCH), "value"),
State(ids.markdown(MATCH), "style"),
def update_markdown_style(color, existing_style):
existing_style["color"] = color
return existing_style
app = Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div(
MarkdownWithColorAIO("## Hello World1"),
MarkdownWithColorAIO("## Hello World2"),
if __name__ == "__main__":
In Solara
A big advantage of Solara is that components are reusable by default. However, we need to modify our component to have its own state, rather than using global application state. Creating local component state with use_reactive
, or use_state
hook. Read more about state management in the state management section.
We will rename (from Page
to MarkdownWithColor
) the component, add local state, and put in the markdown text as an argument.
import solara
def MarkdownWithColor(markdown_text : str):
# color = solara.use_reactive() # another possibility
color, set_color = solara.use_state("red") # local state
solara.Select(label="Color",values=["red", "green", "blue", "orange"],
value=color, on_value=set_color)
solara.Markdown(markdown_text, style={"color": color})
def Page():
with solara.Columns():
MarkdownWithColor("## Reuse is simple")
MarkdownWithColor("## With solara")