Todo application
Demonstrates the use of reactive variables in combinations with dataclasses.
With solara we can get a type safe view onto a field in a dataclass, pydantic model, or attr object.
This is using the experimental solara.lab.Ref
class, which is not yet part of the
official API.
import dataclasses
import solara
from solara.lab import Ref
class TodoItem:
text: str
done: bool
todo_item = solara.reactive(TodoItem("Buy milk", False))
# now text is a reactive variable that is always in sync with todo_item.text
text = Ref(todo_item.fields.text)
# we can now modify the reactive text variable
# and see its value reflect in the todo_item
text.value = "Buy skimmed milk"
assert todo_item.value.text == "Buy skimmed milk"
# Or, the other way around
todo_item.value = TodoItem("Buy whole milk", False)
assert text.value == "Buy whole milk"
Apart from dataclasses, pydantic models etc, we also supports dictionaries and lists.
todo_items = solara.reactive([TodoItem("Buy milk", False), TodoItem("Buy eggs", False)])
todo_item_eggs = Ref(todo_items.fields[1])
todo_item_eggs.value = TodoItem("Buy eggs", True)
assert todo_items.value[1].done == True
# However, if a list becomes shorter, and the valid index is now out of range, the
# reactive variables will act as if it is "not connected", and will not trigger
# updates anymore. Accessing the value will raise an IndexError.
todo_items.value = [TodoItem("Buy milk", False)]
# anyone listening to todo_item_eggs will *not* be notified.
value = todo_item_eggs.value
except IndexError:
print("this is expected")
raise AssertionError("Expected an IndexError")
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Todo list
Remaining: 2Completed: 1